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Адрес поликлиники:
г. Петропавловск-Камчатский,
ул. Атласова, д. 19
Версия для слабовидящих
Электронная почта
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Medical Tourism

GBUZ CC "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka City Hospital No. 1"

Doctors GBUZ KK "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka city hospital number 1" have the first and highest qualification categories

The institution operates:

Drug Dispensing Point


Therapeutic department of the clinic

Women's consultation


Diagnostic rooms

Physiotherapy Department

The institution employs more than 200 employees, while the trust of patients is manifested not only in respect to doctors of the highest category, but also in young talented specialists and in the nursing staff.

fruitfully collaborates with leading medical institutions of the Kamchatka Territory, participating in the implementation of national projects and developing prevention as one of the most important areas of the Russian healthcare system.

For all questions you are interested in, contact by phone +7 (4152) -42-21-08 or by email: kam-bolnica1@mail.ru

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